Energy Healing for Anxiety & Depression

By Shannon McRae, PhD

Energy Healing for Anxiety & Depression

Recently, I had reason to research, once again, the power of forgiveness, energy medicine, and the healing effects of body, mind, and spirit when used in conjunction with intuitive perception and energy healing abilities.

I was called upon to work with a woman who had been diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer, which had metastasized to her lungs. This woman’s husband placed the call to me out of desperation, asking if there was anything I could do to help his wife get well. He wanted to know if I could help reverse the ravages of the cancer. 

I explained my process in working with a new client. There are questions about when and how a person was diagnosed, if there have been medical procedures, medications prescribed, diet, beliefs, and family history. Then there is of course scanning the person’s energy field to see what I can see as the cause of difficulties. This is followed by a deep energy healing. 

My client’s husband said he wanted me to have an initial session with her, if she agreed, and do an intuitive scan, which I do long distance as it’s almost easier if I don’t have the person right in front of me. He asked that if I thought I could help his wife, to please take her as a client with ongoing sessions. I agreed, as did his wife, and we set up the first meeting.

I write about this case as it outlines what I do when working with those who seek my help. Gathering information about a person, both through medical intuition and in dialogue in the first and following sessions is crucial because if you are going to help someone you have to know where they are in life’s process. Some clients are dealing with old family issues carried for many years, and after seeing counselors, other therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists, they find that something unseen is taking place, and search for a perceptive, or intuitive helper, as well as for energy healing. 

Many people who need help have already moved out of damaging relationships, have been terminated from employment and wondered why, some have lost a spouse or other loved one to death and are in a grieving process, and some have just been given a terminal diagnosis. All have questions about why they are ill, whether emotionally, physically, or in feeling mentally unclear.

This wife and mother I described above fits the description of so many who call me. She suffered from anxiety, stress, and depression; so many different reasons have created physical ills in people’s bodies, and, as we have learned from science, physical illness begins in the thoughts and emotions, and if not handled there, then the physical body begins to exhibit the beginning of illness. 

Energy Healing and Talk Therapy

Even the worst cases of depression or anxiety are responsive to treatment. Energy medicine and talk therapy can be the most powerful aids, but certainly nutritional changes can help as well. Everyone needs encouragement, a hug, positive input, a nice pat on the back or even a big smile, any of which can change another’s outlook on life. There is evidence that newborn babies, especially premature babies in neonatal units, need to be held or they can develop a condition called “failure to thrive.”

This is also true of adults of all ages, especially those in skilled nursing facilities and hospitals. There is no place with more depressed people than a facility where there are no visitors or others to communicate some form of positive feedback each day. 

Lack of nurturing touch can be a central cause of anxiety and depression. Many people may not even recognize that they are anxious or depressed, and often blame their symptoms or feelings on something entirely different. 

Interestingly, I see anxiety and depression in many of my clients before they have identified it themselves. They may call me for another reason, but during our appointment, I intuitively sense many things in their lives. I use the phrase “energy medicine” to encompass my work not only using medical intuition but also in directing healing energies, something which we can all do by focusing our will with good intent upon another.

The effectiveness of energy medicine is based on the fact that we are all energetically connected in a quantum energy field. This is why I and others can assist with healing at a distance. I do ninety percent of my work by telephone, and thousands of my clients have had healings. Here is a statement from one of my clients attesting to this power of connection that transcends what is seen. 

“I noticed an unusual mole appear on my arm. It grew very rapidly. It got to the size of a quarter inch in diameter. I called Shannon McRae for an appointment because I had heard of her healing work. When we met by phone, I told her about the mole. She said, ‘Okay, will you put your finger on the spot?’ I did. Then she said, ‘Now I’m going to put my finger energetically over yours. Can you feel that?’ I felt a subtle sort of tingling, and I said, ‘Yes, I feel it.’ Then she said, ‘Okay, now the energy that created the growth is gone. Can you feel that?’ 

“I felt a tingling sensation and a release of a very subtle energy, and of course I wanted it to be gone too, so I’m sure I played a role. I was thinking that ‘wherever two or more are gathered in spirit’ for a purpose that our Inner Self would assist, and I truly believed it, so I said, ‘Yes, I do.’ Within days I noticed the mole begin to decrease in size, and within a little more than a month it was completely gone! It has now been over five years and there is no sign of anything but smooth skin.”

This case demonstrates an outcome that I have seen time and again for over forty years. Energy medicine works. Much scientific research validates the effectiveness of healing energy. Recently, for example, researchers at the Rhine Research Center ( found that healers who focus or channel energy show evidence of producing energy at a far higher rate than normal.

Using a multiphasic ultra-violet light detector designed to measure individual photons produced per half second, the researchers measured dramatic increases in the number of photons in a room when healers performed healing sessions. Another study showed that people demonstrated a greater decrease in anxiety than those who had no contact.1

Physical illness and repetitive negative thinking may be the most common causes of depression and the most important to first examine. Many people don’t realize that the thoughts they are thinking cause them to have immediate emotional reactions.

A simple habit of thought, such as reliving an uncomfortable memory, anticipating negative outcomes or obsessing about a relationship challenge, can cause depression if the habitual thought goes on for years. Gloomy emotions can begin to take over. This is when many start to become increasingly unhappy, forlorn, or sad and then, with time or repeated negative thinking, they become mildly, moderately, or severely depressed. 

Another cause of depression can be from thoughts of concern about a physical illness. Often a person may even just have a nebulous feeling about something unbalanced that they can’t quite define. It’s far better to talk to your body and tell it how you want it to feel than it is to focus on how you don’t want it to feel based on current ills. I perceive varying degrees of depression in almost everyone who calls. I nevertheless begin each session by remaining open with clients, meaning I do not judge or criticize anyone, but rather want to know how I can help. 

Signs of Depression

Signs of unhappiness or depression can include constant despondency or sadness; being tired all the time; insomnia; inability to get to sleep easily; sleeping too much; weight gain; overeating or poor appetite; difficult or uninspiring relationships; a feeling that life is not worthwhile or too much of a struggle; feelings of hopelessness, unworthiness or an inability to move forward; agitation or a sense everything is falling apart; not knowing what to do or where to go. 

Circumstances such as the loss of pet or friend or relative or job, ill health, recent diagnosis of an illness, chronic pain or other challenges can also be causes of depression. Always the attitude a person has about everything plays a key role. While thought is the most important element to monitor, it’s also important to know that depression can also be caused by poor nutrition.


The first suggestion I usually make to someone in an unhappy or depressed state is to focus upon getting up earlier each morning, and then to do a breathing-focused meditation, walk, or do some form of exercise for a minimum of 25 minutes to increase the breath. The “runner’s high” happens after 25 minutes of fast walking or jogging, when feel good hormones called endorphins are released in the body after a sustained increase in physical activity. Because endorphins create a sense of well being they can help alter feelings of negativity and depression; it then is easier for someone to produce more positive thoughts and have more clarity, which in turn lead to feelings of more happiness. 

I cannot diagnose or prescribe, but I often counsel my depressed clients to consider taking a supplement of some kind that can both help to lift them out of misery and also change the chemistry in the body. There is research showing that St John’s Wort can work as effectively as drugs, and people feel better partly because serotonin levels rise; this also takes place with GABA and 5-HTP supplements. Serotonin is mostly made in the gut, but is utilized by the brain to give a sense of well being. These supplements can also help ease what is known as “brain fog,” or the inability to think clearly, which is one of the signs of depression. 

A Success Case

Sally’s case illustrates depressive challenges as well as treatment interventions. I started working with her over a year ago when she had just been diagnosed with recurring cancer. She had previously endured surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, and was at her wit’s end. I’ve learned through the years, both from depression I had when younger as well as my intuitive skills, to discern depressive signs such as the fear and desperation and tremors I perceived intuitively in Sally’s voice. When she disclosed she had insomnia, worry, felt unable to move forward, and did not know where or how to proceed, it confirmed that she was moderately to severely depressed.

She was gasping for air as she talked; her words were tumbling over themselves. As she disclosed more of her financial situation and other issues that would play some role in illness this confirmed to me that she suffered from depression.

Anxiety ran rampant through her voice and energy field. I knew it was important for her to calm herself so I suggested that she think of something that made her feel peaceful and imagine herself being in the peaceful situation. I also suggested she breathe slowly and deeply. It took several minutes for her to become calm enough so that we could chart a plan for recovery. I saw that it was possible for  her to reverse the cancer, and asked her if she could follow some positive-thought advice and visualizations. She acknowledged that she would “try anything.”  

We met by phone weekly, and I used energy healing on the trouble spots in her body. I see the healing taking place so the desired outcome, health, is energized. At my suggestion she had also begun recording her positive thoughts in a journal and doing self-forgiveness work, which is essential, as forgiveness of self and then others opens up blockages for energies to flow more easily. 

I also encouraged her to begin to eat a healthier diet. She started eating fresh vegetables and fruits on a daily basis, and supplemented with nutrients suggested by her naturopath. Then, out of the blue her supervisor said she would lose her job and health insurance in two months, as the company was downsizing.

Two weeks later I knew Sally was in serious trouble, not only with her return to ill health, but in a deeper depression than I had noticed in our first few appointments. She lost her will to be healthier, she couldn’t sleep, she didn’t want to eat, and was so weak that she said she just wanted “to get it over with,” which meant letting the cancer win. 

I did my very best to turn her around, to give her positive suggestions, to ask her to call in family to help with finances and loving support, and prepare for her own personal downsizing. I encouraged Sally to find a support group, to find a positive-thought community church, and to find literature that would give her the information I thought she needed to turn the depression around. Her naturopathic physician cooperated by prescribing St John’s Wort, GABA, and 5-HTP to increase serotonin, and she gave her some excellent vitamins. She also recommended IV injections of Vitamin C. 

We worked through all of the issues that surfaced with Sally’s cancer and deep depression, and little by little I saw the shift begin to take place as she followed my suggestions and began to make changes happen in her life. She found a support group, and became creative in preparing healthy foods. I knew we were on the verge of success when she excitedly left me a voicemail saying her latest tests had shown that the cancer was shrinking. 

I intuitively knew that Sally would return to full recovery if she stayed on track with more positive thinking and the other changes outlined above. Last week I received a note from her. It had been a few months now since she felt she would be fine on her own with no further need of my intuitive or healing abilities. Her letter told me that her last scans showed that she was cancer free, and she had returned to a happy, healthy life. She ended by saying how happy she is now. 

Sally’s case shows that anyone can heal from not only depressed feelings but also serious physical conditions related to them. Anxiety and depression can be remedied. Sometimes it just takes some words of encouragement, positive thinking, and, as in this case, someone like me to use healing energies to help someone overcome what may seem to be huge obstacles.

Reference: “Therapeutic touch as energy exchange: Testing the theory.” Quinn, Janet F.  Advances in Nursing Science, Vol 6(2), Jan 1984, 42-49.

Shannon McRae, PhD, is a psychologist and medical intuitive, as well as a nutritionist, who practices via telephone with clients worldwide. Her book, The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine: Memoirs of a Medical Intuitive (US: Quest Books, 2015; Germany: Aquamarin Verlag, 2016; and India: New Age Press, 2017; Spanish, 2019), is available in print or digital from and other booksellers. She may be contacted at 775-315-7232.

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