Healing from the Heart

By Bradley Nelson, DC

Healing from the Heart

Can you think back to a time in your life when you felt like your heart was going to break? When you felt so grief-stricken or hurt that you didn’t think you could stand it? Do you remember the physical sensation that you felt during that experience? You may have felt as if an elephant were sitting on your chest, or that you couldn’t breathe. 

Research is beginning to reveal that the human heart is much more than simply a muscular pump that circulates our blood. Indeed, it appears that the human heart is actually a second brain that holds the key to inner healing.

Heart transplant recipients from the very beginning have reported strange symptoms, including changes in their music, food and entertainment preferences, as well as handwriting changes. Some even reported receiving memories that were not their own.

Some examples include:

  • A lawyer from Milwaukee who received the heart of a fourteen-year-old boy and started having powerful cravings for Snickers bars.
  • A twenty-five-year-old man who received a woman’s heart and a consistent and powerful urge to shop (to his girlfriend’s delight).
  • A forty-seven-year-old Caucasian male who received the heart of a seventeen-year-old African-American male. The recipient was surprised by his newfound love of classical music. He discovered later that the donor, who loved classical music and played the violin, had died in a drive-by shooting, clutching his violin case to his chest.
  • A seven-year-old girl who had recurring nightmares about being killed after receiving the heart of another child who had been murdered. Her descriptions of the murderer, as well as the murder weapon, helped lead to the arrest and conviction of the killer.

There are thousands of stories of “cellular memory” like these. Is the heart really more than simply a muscular pump? The answer may just lie in new developments in modern technology.

The heart is the most powerful organ in the body. In fact, the heart creates a magnetic field that extends around the body up to twelve feet in diameter.

It has been proven in the laboratory that your heartbeat becomes instantly measurable in the brain waves of another person when you are focusing love and affection on them. We learn from this that there is an invisible communication going on between all of us that we may not have been so aware of during our daily affairs.

Scientists on the cutting edge of these new technologies believe that the heart can be considered to be a “second brain.” They believe that the heart is sending messages to all the cells of the body continuously, and that the “brain in our head” is actually obeying the messages that are being sent by the “brain in our hearts.” 

The Heart-Wall

When we are experiencing deep grief, hurt or loss, it can actually be an assault on the deepest part of our being, on our hearts. These feelings of heartbreak can be so uncomfortable, so foreign and so difficult to deal with, that they often result in the formation of an energetic “wall” put up to protect the heart from these profoundly negative emotions.

I have found that approximately 93 percent of people suffer from this phenomenon. I have personally seen profound changes occur in people’s lives when their Heart-Walls are dismantled.

Miranda is a perfect example of how a Heart-Wall can interfere with a love life. She was an attractive 38-year-old nurse who came to me suffering from neck pain. During the course of my examination, she mentioned that she had not dated anyone in years and had no interest in having any kind of a relationship with men anymore. When I tested her, I was not surprised to find that she had a Heart-Wall.

Eight years before, Miranda’s heart had been broken in a relationship with a man she had deeply loved. In an effort to protect her heart from experiencing that kind of pain and injury again, her subconscious mind had created a Heart-Wall.

In Miranda’s case, three lingering emotions had been trapped in her body for all those years, blocking her from experiencing a loving relationship. She had no idea that these trapped emotions were the major underlying cause of the pain she was experiencing in her neck as well. Her neck pain had been going on for some time, and was considered chronic and even a bit mysterious by the other doctors she had consulted, as nothing seemed to relieve it.

One by one, we cleared each of these emotions. I didn’t see Miranda again for about three months. When I did, she looked incredibly happy. I asked her what had changed and she excitedly said, “Everything!” She reported that her neck pain was long gone. But there was even better news than that.

“Right after I saw you last,” she said, “I ran into my childhood sweetheart. I hadn’t seen him since elementary school. But it turned out he’d been living right around the corner from me—less than a block away—for almost eight years. We started dating and something really sparked between us. We’re in love! I think he’s going to ask me to marry him.”

The woman who had come into my office complaining of neck pain and swearing off men was gone for good. She was like a completely new person.

When trapped emotions and Heart-Walls are released, people sometimes say it’s like they can finally feel again. They can give and receive love freely for the first time in a long time. In that state, very interesting and wonderful things can happen.

Here is a letter from a grateful mother, whose son had been diagnosed with clinical depression at only nine years old: 

Dear Doctor Nelson,

Several weeks ago I brought my 9-year-old son to see you. He had been exhibiting unusual behavior. He was having difficulty eating, sleeping, and concentrating. He had become angry, negative and pessimistic. School was a nightmare! We tried urging, punishing, rewarding and bribing him to complete his school assignments. When they were finally completed he would not turn them into the teacher. He is a very intelligent boy yet his grades suffered because his assignments were not turned in.

I set up an appointment with his pediatrician to be evaluated. We were then referred to a pediatric neurologist, and then to a psychologist for further review—they concluded that my son was depressed. (Two years ago my son witnessed the drowning of a very close friend and ten months later was whisked away to the funeral of his cousin. Four other relatives were buried within the next six months and I believe these events had a distressing effect on my son. I tried to help him cope with these events, but apparently they were still affecting him.)

When I brought him to see you, he was tested and you determined that he had a Heart-Wall causing an emotional imbalance in his body… I do not understand all the scientific aspects of this type of treatment yet I believed I had finally found the answer to the growing problems with my son. After you worked on him he was a little lethargic for a couple of days, but the changes I noticed in his behavior in the weeks that followed were absolutely incredible!

By the end of the first week he was sleeping and eating normally, and was once again happy and enthusiastic. He now completes every homework assignment without any nudging on my part.

Our home is much more pleasant—he is helpful, kind and patient. I feel like my sweet little boy has returned! 

If skepticism had kept me away from this type of treatment, I would still be parenting a very sad and frustrated little boy with no solution in sight. Instead, I have found a treatment that has literally saved him….Thank you!! 

Do You Have a Heart Wall?

Is a Heart-Wall hampering your ability to give and receive love? Is it interfering with your ability to feel good emotions, or contributing to your feelings of isolation? Is it creating depression, anxiety or self-sabotage for you? Is a Heart-Wall interfering with your ability to succeed?

If you are at all frustrated with your love life, your social life or the level of financial abundance that you’ve been able to attain, a Heart-Wall may be a big piece of the puzzle for you. When you graduated from high school or college, the best advice you were probably given was to, “Follow your heart.” But what if you have a Heart-Wall?

I received an email recently from a woman named Elena from Mexico City who said, “I’m feeling an awesome difference since I released my Heart-Wall. To begin with, my self-esteem has gone up to the sky. Secondly, I’ve been having one creative idea after the other…I feel the driving force, which seemed to have left me long ago, is back again, with a lot of strength. I cannot really express how grateful I am to you and to God, in the first place, that led me to find you and your work.”

If you have Heart-Wall wall, can you see how important it is for you to clear that wall away? Can you see the importance of helping your own children and your own family clear theirs? It is my hope that you will stop looking outward for the solutions to your problems, and practice some true inner healing by getting rid of the walls around your own heart! 

To get assistance clearing your Heart-Wall, find a certified Emotion Code practitioner at www.DiscoverHealing.com/practitioners.

Healing a Broken Heart

When it comes to emotional baggage, the inability to forgive self or others is a major cause of sadness, depression, and loneliness. The following is a simple exercise or action step that can help you embrace forgiveness, a key part of healing a broken heart:

  1. Write a letter to yourself or another person you need to forgive. It helps you express angst and negativity that might be in your soul about yourself or another person, even if you don’t mail the letter.
  2. Burn the letter. Take the letter outside and light it with a match, burn it up and send it out to the universe. That can really help you to let go and forgive.
  3. Speak Forgiveness. This can be telling yourself or another person that you truly have forgiven yourself or the one who wronged you. This helps seal the forgiveness.

When we withhold forgiveness from ourselves or someone who has hurt us, we may think that we are getting even with that person; we may think that we are hurting that person, but nothing could be further from the truth. What we are really doing is hurting ourselves. And when we allow ourselves to finally forgive our own selves or that person who has hurt us, the end result of that is peace for us. Until you forgive you are not going to be able to have peace. That is just the way it is. It is natural law.

Bradley Nelson, DC, is one of the world’s foremost experts on natural methods of achieving wellness. He has trained thousands of certified practitioners worldwide to help people overcome physical and emotional discomfort by releasing their emotional baggage. You can find a practitioner of his methods at www.DiscoverHealing.com/practitioners. His best-selling book The Emotion Code provides step-by-step instructions for working with the body’s energy healing power. A newly revised and expanded edition of The Emotion Code is now available from St Martin’s Press. For more information and a free Emotion Code Starter Kit, visit www.emotioncodegift.com.

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